How motor scooter rentals partly inspired Carview

September 12, 2024

On November 29, 2022, the founder and his friends flew to Krabi in Thailand. Krabi is a beach resort town. Hiring taxis or Tuk Tuks to get to tourist destinations were too expensive, and not time efficient.

So on the third day in Krabi, they decided to rent a motor scooter. But finding one was difficult because they were almost all rented out to other tourists. However, once they found a business that had two spare motor scooters, everything changed. Krabi was a small town, but it was much more fun to get around with a scooter.

Oh the hyper-mobility, freedom and badass feeling that comes with having a motorized scooter! Dylan, Kevin and Loïc stayed there for over a week, but every day felt like an adventure. As a result, they started to feel like locals in Krabi and they really got to bond with the actual locals there.

They got to cruise around town, go to rural villages, explore mountains and swivle in between cars in rainy conditions. Even when they didn’t use their scooters, it felt cool that they could go to their parked scooters, and go to their next destination quickly and in style.

Getting from point A to B while having a great experience is just so vital. Carview doesn’t just want to rent you a car, they also want to provide you with a badass experience at an affordable price. Krabi was a beautiful town, and the guys got to experience it fully because of their kick-ass motor scooters. The equivalent in a bigger, North American city would be to rent a fun car. That’s where Carview comes in. Carview wants to bring your friends together and have a memorable time. We want to inspire you to experience awe-striking landscape and cityscape views… and our journey begins from East Vancouver.

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