How San Francisco partially inspired Carview

September 12, 2024

We wrote an article previously about how motor scooter in Thailand partly inspired Carview. Well, the second part of this equation is San Francisco. We went to San Francisco several times over the years and noticed that there is immense pride from the locals about the city.

It's no surprise—it's truly one of the prettiest cities in the world. Renting a Tesla there and driving at night was one of the best experiences in the world. This made us think, why can't everyone living in modern cities have as much pride in their own city like the locals do in San Francisco? It became problematic for the founder when his friends or others around him kept mentioning wanting to move to San Francisco, and leave Vancouver, without a second thought. Why is there not, objectively, more pride here in this bustling, lively city?

As we were born and raised in East Vancouver, we drive very frequently in Vancouver, and wehad a thought. "Vancouver has one of the best cityscapes in the world. It's the only city in the world where you can see modern skyscrapers, the ocean, bridges, and mountains with snow in the one peripheral vision."

So, the name Carview struck while we were in San Francisco. Carview's secondary mission, in fact, is to always have immense pride in whatever city that we operate in. It raises the love in the respective cities and people in the community feel more positive. In fact, our mission is so important, that we want locals to marvel about the beauty of Vancouver, and take it less for granted, even when they're not renting from us!

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